Voodoo 4400H
Card specs:
PCI Voodoo Graphics, 1x TMU, 4MB FBI memory, 4MB TMU memory, native HDMI output.
The extra 2MB FBI memory and 2MB TMU memory can be enabled/disabled by setting the S1 DIP switch.
Assembly options:
-no DIP switch, extra memory configured from autoexec.bat:
Do not populate S1, C77, R46, R48, U9, C127, R66, R67, U19
Populate R47 R65 with 0 ohm resistors
-standard 2MB FBI/2MB TMU configuration:
Do not populate S1, C77, R46, R48, U9, C127, R66, R67, U19, U13, U11, U8, U6, U23, U21, U18, U16, R1, R45
-no HDMI output:
Do not populate: U26, U27, U28, U29, U30, U39, U25, U24, U33, U34, U35, U31, U32, U38, U36, OSC1, J4
C160, C161, C162, C163, C164, C165, C166, C167, C168, C169, C192, C128, C129, C130, C131, C132, C133, C134, C135, C136, C137, C138, C139, C140, C141, C142, C143, C144, C145, C146, C147, C148, C149, C150, C151, C152, C153, C154, C155, C156, C157, C158, C159, C170, C171, C172, C173, C174, C175, C176, C177, C178, C179, C180, C182, C184, C186, C188, C189, C190, C191,
R71, R72, R73, R74, R75, R76, R77, R78, R79, R81, R82, R83, R84, R85, R86, R88, R90, R92, R93, R95, R96, R97, R100, R101,
L1, L3
Populate: R19, R20 with 75 ohms resistors

Full design files (editable schematic & PCB, PDF schematic, GERBER files, BOM, P&P, PCI bracket dxf file, FPGA bitstream and mcs file) are attached below. The FPGA code will be uploaded after I cleanup the code a bit. If you use another flash device, generate a new mcs file from the bitstream.
Can this card or Voodoo 4440H run Diablo II: Lord of Destruction in 3dfx Glide mode correctly?
It should. I’ll test it soon.
I tested it in 86Box and with Voodoo Graphics (Obsidian+Amethyst) 12MB (2 TMUs) it won’t work (Quantum3D drivers) or have graphical bugs/glitches making it unplayable (other drivers) but with Voodoo Graphics 8MB (1 TMU) it works fine with no problems whatsoever. I wonder if it is the same with real hardware?